Unassembled Mojo 1965 AB763 Reverb Tube Amp Kit

This quality 1965 Era AB763 Reverb Guitar Tube Amplifier kit ships straight from the manufacturer with everything needed to build your own amp just like the original.
Why pay thousands for boutique style amplifiers when you can build your own and custom tailor your own tone!
There is no step-by-step assembly manual available for this kit. This kit comes only with a schematic and wiring diagram. This is an advanced kit suited for builders with previous amp building experience.
Make sure to read some of the Kit Reviews from our customers.
/jj-ecc83s-12ax7-preamp-vacuum-tube]Jj ecc83 2 JJ ECC83s / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube Installed them in one of my Fender amps. They work great. Thank you.
reviewed by: Steve B
- High quality finger-jointed pine cabinet - precovered
- 4AB3C1B Reverb Tank
- Schematic and wiring diagrams
- Screened faceplate
- 6V6, ECC81/12AT7, ECC83s/12AX7, 5AR4 tubes
- Pre-drilled fiberboard
- Carbon comp resistors
- High quality potentiometers
- Swichcraft jacks
- Orange Drop coupling caps
- Belkin sockets
- Hand-wound American made transformers with European taps (220/240V)
- Jensen C12Q speaker
- All the cloth covered wire you need to complete your new amp