6CG7 / 6FQ7
Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

These 6CG7s are a great sounding, American made tubes that will outperform and outlast any new production variant available. Various brands.
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Tried another of tubes in my Starlight and hands down this is my favorite. This has a nice Mellow tone I would guess is the word I am looking for. That seems to pair nicely with all my headphones. Including a pair of Atticus
reviewed by: hotroderx
This really is amazing tube, I put it in a project Starlight and am really enjoying it with my Atticus and AKG K7xxx. The best way I could describe the tube is Mellow. I just feel its mellow and it just sorta leaves you feeling Mellowed out. I am not sure how to describe it. perhaps it just helps round out the bass on the headphones in Question.
reviewed by: hotroderx