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8 Pin DIP Socket 2.54mm Pitch, 7.62mm Spacing

8 Pin DIP Socket 2.54mm Pitch, 7.62mm Spacing
  • 8 Pin DIP Socket 2.54mm Pitch, 7.62mm Spacing
  • 8 Pin DIP Socket 2.54mm Pitch, 7.62mm Spacing
  • 8 Pin DIP Socket 2.54mm Pitch, 7.62mm Spacing

IC sockets can be soldered into PCBs, stripboard, or padboard and the IC can then be inserted into it instead of soldering the IC directly to the board. IC sockets are optional, but using one allows you to easily swap out ICs (e.g. to compare various op amps in a working circuit), easily replace ICs if one fails, and protects the IC from excess heat when soldering.


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