Bendix 5992 / 6V6GT

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Bendix 5992 / 6V6GT

    The Bendix 5992 is direct a drop in replacement for any 6V6 tube type. Suitable for use in Hi-Fi and Guitar Amplifiers, this is the best sounding, best built 6V6 variant on the planet. All of our stock has 6/55 and 10/63 date codes and come in the original, pristine JAN / Military boxes.

    The famous Bendix Red Bank vacuum tube factory made legendary tubes for military and aerospace applications. Their tubes were built to be the very best and were known to last many thousands of hours. These have rugged brown micanol bases, heavy glass, triple mica spacers and double D getters. Literally built to withstand the heavy g-forces of nuclear missiles, if you want the best, these are for you.

    These tubes have the Double D Getters, 4 Heavy Support Rods and Triple Micas.

    Bendix 5992 / 6V6GT

    From Brent Brent Jessee Recording & Supply, Inc.

    This is a military/industrial version of the 6V6GT, is probably the best sounding 6V6 tube you will ever get your hands on, and is rather rare. Bendix Red Bank was the ONLY manufacturer of this incredible tube. These have rugged brown micanol bases, heavy glass, a short boxy black plate structure, three mica spacers and dual top mounted D getters. The brown bases can vary in color from beige down to rich mahogany and sometimes have varying shading on the same base. This is probably the ultimate holy grail tube to have in the 6V6 world, but their scarcity today keeps them in a fairly obscure corner of that world. Clients tell me these blow away even the NOS RCA blackplate greyglass tubes! They are indeed awesome, and will never be made again. All of these tubes glow blue inside and have slightly longer warm-up time than the 6V6GT, this is normal. They are plug and play compatible with any 6V6 type tube, with normal bias checks and/or adjustments as you would do whenever replacing any power tubes. Also, all of these tubes have various colors to the base, ranging from light tan to dark brown, and often mottled. This is also normal! These are worth seeking out as they are built like a tank and may outlast both you and your amp!

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