Electro Harmonix 7868 Power Vacuum Tube

Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

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    The new Electro Harmonix 7868 is the first 7868 available in nearly 25 years. A faithful reproduction, this tube is guaranteed to get your Ampeg and Fisher amps working again without breaking the bank.

    • Looks to be a fine tubes . New, and delivered in excellent condition. Can hardly wait 'til I get them installed in my vintage Sherwood .

      reviewed by: KS

    • Great modern production tube

      reviewed by: Rob DeAntonio

    • Our go-to tube replacement for vintage 7868. Use caution when inserting due to the larger pin diameter - but we have had great success with thee tubes

      reviewed by: AEA Audio

    • Fine tube... sounds great. Be sure to use a small jeweler's screwdriver to expand the socket.

      reviewed by: AEA Audio