JJ ECC83s / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube
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Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

These tubes are immediately discernible from other 12AX7. They have a construction that is similar to a frame-grid tube - similar to the Telefunken ECC803s. This construction makes them very rugged and reliable. This is one of the best new 12AX7 for any guitar amp. It is very musical - rich with great harmonics. An excellent tube in all Marshall amps in the three preamp positions.
Compare with other tubes here.
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I installed three of these in my 2000 Marshall 1959SLP and they sound great. I highly recommend.
reviewed by: Yugedrums
Installed these in my Reverend Hellhound and they sound great!
reviewed by: Gerry Mattei
First re-tube in my haze40 without microphonic noise. Fast shipping, well packaged. free shipping over $100, like that!
reviewed by: John Coyle
Best preamp tube for the money!!
reviewed by: Christopher Lineberry
.First class preamp tube.I use these as standard to compare NOS tubes
reviewed by: Shawn Wood
I use this at the tone control on my Eico HF-85. and ECC803 on my V1& V2. sounds excellent
reviewed by: Gordon
I use this tube as my everyday listening tube currently. I favored it immediately above new production Tung-sol which came with my Jolida Tube Dac III (I have 2 of them, which allows me to A/B them). There was more harmonic information and slightly more warmth, but plenty of crisp high frequency detail and air. It is a very coherent sounding tube that faithfully plays back music with a sense of the whole recording; it doesn’t try to dissect the recording, while still allowing one to follow individual aspects of a performance if desired. It gives you that bit of “extra” that solid-state always seems to lack on stringed instruments, voices, timbral resolution, etc. It is subtle but noticeable, which will please those who don’t want to veer into tubby rolled-off sounds. Compared to a new production Mullard, it is a little less boisterous, in terms of its presentation. The Mullard gives a little extra “extra”, relative to my comments above. However, while the Mullard is slightly preferable with classical, jazz, small ensembles and acoustic performances due to its highlighting capabilities, one might argue it is a bit less refined and coherent, especially when pushed hard. This isn’t bad, just different. Even certain metal tunes can sound great with the Mullard, but it sometimes loses its composure. So then, the JJ ECC83s, is a stellar all-rounder and a very satisfying tube. Highly recommended!!
reviewed by: Home base!!
Whether you are looking for good performance or low price, I can recommend the JJ 12AX7. I have it in a number of guitar amps (some that I built) and a hi-fi amp (that I rebuilt) and they work well in both applications.
reviewed by: Rick
The JJs are my go-to tubes for my AC15. They're rugged and inexpensive, and they are well-balanced with breakup at fairly low volume.
reviewed by: Pete
holy cow. a set of 2+1 in the Cube and a world of improvement.
reviewed by: ed martens
Used these as a replacement for the original Miniwatt tubes in a Kriesler 11-95 radiogram from the 70's. Excellent bang for your buck. Work as expected. Would highly recommend.
reviewed by: David
I put these in my Hot Rod Deluxe. The amp has never sounded better.
reviewed by: Craig Kowalchuk
Great Valves. Works very Dell um mundo guitar amp.
reviewed by: Bruno Borges de Souza
These are my go to tubes. Sound great every time.
reviewed by: Brian Deer
The JJ ecc83s is a excellent preamp tube! In the modern times we live in it is great to be able to purchase a new tube of this quality. I tube rolled nos mullards, rca, ge, and compared them by ear then by recordings all at the same settings, and my conclusion is that the ge is quite close to the jj but not as open and airey, the mullard is good like the rca, but with my setup the jj is hands on a better tube especially because of availability and price! I use them in all my amps, and to my ear is better than the reissue tung sol. Of course there are a lot of factors involved in acheiving that sound guitarists are looking for. For the price, buy one or two break them in 20+ hours and give them a go. I've been using jj tubes for the past 6 years, have always bought them from Tube Depot. They are the best tube supplier that I've ever ordered from, so do your ears a favor and listen to the sweet harmonics you can get from the JJ ECC83S!
reviewed by: Eddy Chicago
So reliable. Thanks JJ.
reviewed by: Benjamin Harris
Great tube i use these is everything. Sometimes i try others but i always go back to these. Love my Jj's
reviewed by: Nuclear Guitarfare
Cool Tubes
reviewed by: Aldo
Like their 12AT7, this is really sturdy and low in noise. I really like it in the V4 slot in my deluxe Reverb.
reviewed by: Jesse
I decided to replace the 3 12AX7s and 2 EL84s in my Crate VC20 amp because one of the tubes had gone microphonic--I didn't know which one, so I decided to replace them all. I used three of these JJ tubes because they were reasonably priced and had very good reviews. I'm very happy with the way the amp sounds with these tubes (plus two new JJ EL84s) and it fixed the microphonics problem I was having. No complaints.
reviewed by: Bob D
I've solved many problems with vintage and new combo amps with these tubes. Can you get a better tone? Sure, but realize expensive NOS tubes have been picked over for decades, and even mil spec or hospital grade tubes from yesteryear, while unique and sought after, often ring or squeal in a combo amp. The JJ ECC83s is very quiet and well behaved due to robust design, and sound so good at the price point, that it is a no-brainer. Tube Depot's extensive testing and the volume of these they deal with can get you very close to vintage tone with no worries!
reviewed by: Kenneth
I use this tube every gear on my head amps, It' very clear sound and natural.
reviewed by: Nott
These tubes are the best bang for the buck! Low microphonics and rattling! A little darker than other tubes but nothing EQ changes can't fix!
reviewed by: Jesse
Great for the price. brought my amp back to life, I plan to get more in the future.
reviewed by: Gregg Johns
Inexpensive and well made tubes. I used these in my Fender Blues Jr amp with great results. I will continue to use these in my other amps when needed.
reviewed by: Stephen Holt
Great tube for your Monney,they went in my Mesa boogie express 5:25 head and they sound very good
reviewed by: Madmac640
great tube!
reviewed by: jake
JJs' are always a good tweed choice.
reviewed by: My go to
Stunning sounding very liquid 12AX7 I listen to several genres of music Jazz 80's Blues current CHR all I can say is "WOW" these tubes sound better then any of my NOS american made tubes,I'm using them in a Dynaco PAS2
reviewed by: Russ Jump
5stars Good solid tube if your on the cheap budget build. You can't go wrong. Make sure you stay at or below the stated ratings. In other words don't blast this tube with high plate volts. It will last for decades. .
reviewed by: starlite2991
Sounds great in my vintage Fender Champ!
reviewed by: Bodhi
Completely re-tubed the tired old Super Reverb used all JJ's - what a personality change. Lower lows, crisp clean highs and so much in the between. YAY!
reviewed by: Rich
These JJ 12ax7 tubes are the only preamp tubes I have bought in a few years. No complaints. Have served me well and the price is lower than other brands !
reviewed by: Dale
This is a terrific value tube for most duties . Robust and long lasting . Not as articulate as TungSol , but not as unreliable either. Rolled treble is good for bright amps or even slightly hissy resistor noise reduction .
reviewed by: Neil P
This tube sounds great in the cathode follower position of my 5f6a inspired build.
reviewed by: Kam
Great tubes, used in vox AC-30 and they sound great.
reviewed by: Steve
I use JJ 12AX7 tubes extensively in new builds. Some amps get three of these, and in some amps I use this tube as a phase splitter. They're also resistant to microphonic. They're a great value.
reviewed by: Texas Tone Amps
Great preamp tube. I use them on all of my heads and consistent and reliable.
reviewed by: rik de cubas
This is a great sounding tube in every position of my Marshall dsl. I tried it in my H&K Tubemeister 36 also. The price is excellent for the quality. I’m getting these for the H&K now also.
reviewed by: Michael Babb
Have used JJ power tubes, but this is my first JJ 12AX7. I used it on a 2-stage external gain boost, with a B+ of about 230VDC. Lots of nice harmonics, PLENTY of gain. I compared it with a NOS GE 12AX7, and yes, there was a little, difference, but not enough to notice or care. With Tube Depot's incredible price, this will now be my 12AX7 go to.
reviewed by: Frank Stroupe
I bought these for a fisher x100. It had a mix of vintage tubes in it including a legendary telefunken 12ax7. I'm quite happy with these Jjs as replacements for my well worn tubes.
reviewed by: Gregdude
Used this tube in repair of a CB radio audio circuit. Works Great. Price is excellent.
reviewed by: Jed
Purchased per Soldano’s recommendation for a Decatone amplifier. Completely happy with them. Tube Depot is great, and my purchase could not have gone better.
reviewed by: Charles
These make my amps scream. Love these 12az7s the best.
reviewed by: D buttons
One of the Sovtek 12AX7s in my Peavey Classic 30 blew. Since the other two preamp tubes are the same age, I decided to replace them all with the JJECC83s tubes-I absolutely love the sound. First time using Tube Depot, very pleased with the service. Ordered around 10:00 pm on a Monday, received my order Thursday afternoon. I will definitely use them again for future amp related needs.
reviewed by: James
Excellent tubes... I have tried many and these are excellent....
reviewed by: Daniel Tramble`
Aside from me needing tubes. These brought my amp back to life! Brought the tone right back where it should be. Packed with extreme care, arrived right on time and fast! Will order again! Thanks TubeDepot. 🤙
reviewed by: Nick
Ordered these tubes as part of a kit for my Blues Jr. Instant improvement in the sound of the amp. Tubes shipped the same day I ordered them and arrived very quickly and well packed. I really appreciate that Tube Depot put these together in kit form so I didn't even have to think about what to order.I couldn't be more pleased.
reviewed by: Jones Hendershot
I ordered just one tube for use in my DSL40C. I was searching for something similar to the my amp's stock tube. This tube has identical construction and tone. I like it and sounded well.
reviewed by: Jefferson Agostino
Great Tube! Excellent sound and fast reliable shipping from Tube Depot.
reviewed by: Guy
These are my go to tubes. Sound great every time. Better yet they kick a&&.
reviewed by: Mark Wright
I ordered this JJ-ECC83 to mate with a J-6V6. This preamp solved all my problems. Good price, fast delivery.
reviewed by: David Wiens
This is the second review on these tubes I bought 2 more of these tubes they sound so good and the triode sections are very stable I keep tabs on the plate voltage and plate current and they don't change unless the ac line voltage shifts
reviewed by: Russ Jump
Must buy these to install in a Bugera V22, made the amp sound great.
reviewed by: Manny
Order these, they came quick and sound fantasic
reviewed by: 69Hendrix
I purchased this tube in addition to other tubes to replace the old tubes in a Vox Cambridge Reverb amplifier. I was impressed with the sound and reliability with these tubes.
reviewed by: Renaissance Man Andrew
This tube was placed on the V2 of an H&K tubemeister 18. In V1 was placed a Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production. The tubemeister got much better with much more functional tone control. Highly Recommended
reviewed by: Cristianoepm
best preamp tubes ever.
reviewed by: nick
I replaced a set of stock 12ax7's that where 6 years old. Major tone upgrade. I wished I had done it sooner. I am very happy with the tone. It's not muddy or scratchy. Just perfect.
reviewed by: John
Good tubes at a good price!
reviewed by: Jlhilldrup
I ordered a set matched and balanced for my Mjolinir. Smoothed out amps response. Great tubes and service.
reviewed by: charles chriscaden
Tubes arrived fast and in top shape. Best prices. Will order again. Thanks!
reviewed by: Mike G from the QC
Fast shipment and best prices.
reviewed by: Mike G from the QC
Great tubes everytime. Thanks tube depot.
reviewed by: Edb
These are awesome tubes for the price. Cristal clear and no Microphonics Came so quick
reviewed by: Paul
Tubes arrived in great time as always and they work great. I ordered the low microphonics version.
reviewed by: John Clements
Tubes were used to replace original Soldano tubes and work great. Tube Depot was super-helpful in determining if it was the right tubes. I'll use them again.
reviewed by: Kelly Wendlandt
Very happy. Solved my noise problem.
reviewed by: Chuck R
The ideal ratio of price and quality, despite the low price, work long and sound good!
reviewed by: Николай
I put a few of these in my Marshall JVM 410H and was immediately hooked! The difference was definitely noticeable.
reviewed by: David L
I used this as V1 in a volume pot front-end Baxandall based preamp. Vivid and clear as a pin drop. Very low to negligible noise level. The highs are warm as a sunny morning breeze. Complemented by soft punchy lows. Great tonal value for money.
reviewed by: Fishbowl
Replaced the EL84's in my Bugera V22...HUGE difference...makes this baby sing...there's a 'rattle' at volume with these when using the factory tubes...this solves the issue.
reviewed by: backlineguy
I have a hand-wired JTM45 that had a bad hum (even on standby.) It also had a high noise floor when on. I ordered a set of these with the low noise and matching options. It fixed the problem 100%. The amp sounds amazing and smooth and it's quiet as a mouse. I don't see how you could go wrong with these. Shipped fast and packed really well too!
reviewed by: Mark S.
Ordered one with low noise & balanced triodes and now my amp is quieter than it's ever been. Got another ordered already. Thanks!
reviewed by: JC