JJ KT88 Power Vacuum Tube

Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

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    JJ has outdone themselves with this tube. The quality of construction and sound is reminiscent of the original GEC KT88. These tubes will work well in Marshall tube amps as a 6550 replacement, Ampeg amps, SUNN amps - any 6550 application.

    • Made my K Series Baron amp sound amazing!!!!!

      reviewed by: Christopher L.

    • These tubes are identical to the original tubes in my McIntosh 275 amp. They have a thick glass bulb and well made. These tubes have a very warm sound!

      reviewed by: Wesley Okada

    • Thanks for the matched set. I double-checked y'all with a Hickok 539-c and external meters. Perfect. Tubes are used in a VAC Pa 100/100 driven by a Klyne SK5A into Martin Logan electrostatics. Simply breathtaking, top to bottom. Correct weight to male and female voice. Dire Straits is in the same room. Thanks again.

      reviewed by: Jim Wimsatt

    • These tubes are well made and sound great. I run a repair shop and these are my go-to KT88 tubes.

      reviewed by: Phil M

    • These really are great tubes! I had used the miniatures and EL34 and 6L6, but this was my first set of the big(er) JJ bottles. Nice heavy glass, very nice construction. Don't have a lot of time in yet, but so far very happy!

      reviewed by: Sean

    • Not your typical KT-88. Sweet non harsh highs, tight lows, with the magic midrange of a EL-34. Most importantly well balanced top to bottom. Thanks guys!

      reviewed by: Keith H.