Psvane ECC83 / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube


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Psvane ECC83 / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube

    The Psvane 12AX7 / ECC83 is a greatly improved Chinese 12AX7 version and is a cost-effective replacement for any 12AX7 / ECC83. These sound great in Fender / Dr. Z / Top Hat amps. 

    Compare with other tubes here.

    • My only complaint about these tubes are that the tube pins are a little thinner than the Slovak and Russian tubes.

      reviewed by: Phrygian77

    • Decided to try one of these in V1 of my '89 Marshall 2203, after hearing so much about their high-gain. It does have a noticeable amount of extra gain compared to the JJ that it replaced, along with being brighter and more cutting overall. I do not notice any additional noise at all either. I'm going to try two more in V2 and V3 and see what changes that makes... for the price, why not?

      reviewed by: Yugedrums

    • So I bought two more of these and put them in V2 and V3, just to see what having them in all three preamp positions would be like and it definitely added some gain that wasn't there before. They are bright, with lots of high end and middle, but still have some low end punch too. I still don't notice any added noise either. I'd say that these are well worth their low price and worth a try if you like high gain and a bright cutting sound.

      reviewed by: Yugedrums

    • One great 12AX7 tube super holographic very dynamic and quite frankly one of the best 12AX7 Chinese tubes. The Classic Red Line Pvane being carried by the Tube Depot.

      reviewed by: H

    • These IMHO are some of the best NOS modern production 12AX7's out there. Clear and balanced without a hint of harshness-and a holographic soundstage that's so lifelike it will blow your mind!! Tube Depot is the best-thanks guys!!:)

      reviewed by: K.Holley