RCA 6SN7GT / GTB Black Plate
Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

These 1960's RCA 6SN7GT / 6SN7GTB are great sounding tubes. With black plates and made in the 60's these are sure to liven up any gear that uses the 6SN7 tube. We have quite a few of the GTB variants. Awesome tubes.
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Nice musical and 3 dimensional upgrade from the stock tube in my Saga pre-amp. Kudos to TubeDepot prompt service and shipping. Get everything in a couple/few days. Couldn't be happier.
reviewed by: Gerry B
You can't beat the RCA Black Plate, excellent construction built to last. Quiet and sweet sounding, exceptional bargain
reviewed by: tsbel
Smooth and rich midrange, great soundstage, delicate highs, a bit loose bass. Overall a brilliant fit for my Audio Note Kit1 amp.
reviewed by: qwertyl
I purchased this tube for my LYR 3. It replaced a Psvane CV181-T MKII-that was moved to my Vali 2+. I acquired a 5692 RCA Red Base/used at a ridiculous price. That tube is going into my LYR 3 & this tube is now in my Vali 2+. This review is about what happens when a tube of this quality goes into a Vali 2+. While I liked the Psvane, there is no comparison. Listening to my Grado SR 125s thru the Vali /w this tube-nothing short of stunning. Vali/w this tube- $249 - nothing better at that price.
reviewed by: Neal
Wonderful tube and a great fit for the Shiit Freya+ which tends to be very clinical and benefits greatly from warm sounding tubes. Using this for the gain side (right side pair) and PSVane CV181-T MK II for the buffer side (left side pair) and together they give an excellent combination of detail/air and warmth.
reviewed by: vvume