The Wiggler

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    Electro-Harmonix builds time machine. The all-tube Wiggler will bring you back to the 1960's with its re-creation of the most sought after modulation effects that until now were only found in classic guitar amps. Using an all vacuum tube audio path, The Wiggler creates 4 different types of note-bending vibrato and true amplitude modulation tremolo with the amazing clarity and warmth that older generations once took for granted. CAUTION: Your friend who shelled out big bucks for a Leslie cabinet will no longer speak to you, so don't say we didn't warn you. Ships with Power Supply.

    Listen to The Wiggler: American Standard Strat through a 2x12 Hotrod Deville with JJ tubes. Amplifier was clean with no distortion. Hammond Mode, Vibrato Setting, Rate 1/2 - MP3

    Wurlitzer Mode, Tremolo Setting, Rate 1/4 - MP3

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