Tung-Sol 12AU7 / 6189 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube
Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

This Tung-Sol 12AU7W / 6189 tube is amazing. Patterned after one of the most durable military grade tubes ever built, the new Tung-Sol 12AU7W / 6189 tube has been further upgraded to provide superior audio performance in addition to nuclear survivability. With industrial construction, this Tung-Sol 12AU7W / 6189 provides inspiring transient impact with a weighty, dynamically full response. Perfect for phase inverter and reverb driver positions. Equally capable in both musical instrument and audiophile applications, the full musicality of this tube is amazing ... making this Tung-Sol 12AU7W / 6189 tube a truly worthy tube.
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Great value for these Tung-Sol12AU7 !!!
reviewed by: Clement
Great value for these pair of Tung-Sol 12AU7!!!
reviewed by: Clement
I am reducing the gain in a modern guitar amp which always distort too easily. The tube did the trick. More open and clear than a JJ or anything else I threw in there.
reviewed by: Steve
One of the best new 12AU7 tubes I've heard. Very musical, good sound stage and nice 3d sound. A good alternative to NOS tubes.
reviewed by: Jonathan L.
I've installed this in an XDUOO TA-10. and I have to say that so far I'm pleasantly surprised.
reviewed by: Chuck D
The best currently made, in my opinion
reviewed by: JP
great tubes. get some and try them. nicely balanced sound
reviewed by: peter