Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube

Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

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Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube
  • Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube
  • Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube

The Tung-Sol 12AX7 has a big, warm and musical sound that can help to improve the tone of any musical instrument amp as well as any Hi-Fi amp. With high-gain, low microphonics and superb linearity, this 12AX7 is sure to make your rig sound its best.

Compare with other tubes here.

  • I use the Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube in the V1, first pre-amp gain stage in two of my hand built tube amplifier designs - a 30W with 3 12AX7s and a 20W dual channel with one 12AX7. For the 30W design I tested Tung-Sol, a Mullard, and a JJ in all three tube positions. The Tung-Sol gave me the best results in V1. This tube has very low noise due to a spiral filament and short plate. The gain is low-to-moderate, the tonality is clear, uncolored, and stable. It is dynamic and has good headroom. This makes it an ideal choice for the first gain stage, where I use the amp's design for tone / gain shaping.

    reviewed by: Bruce Blumentritt

  • Best-sounding new 12AX7 i've heard!!

    reviewed by: JP

  • I use the Tung-Sol12AX7's almost universally in V1 of my amps- everything from Mesa to Marshall Plexi and 2204 to Frnder Tweed/BF/SF amps. They make just about every amp sound nice and bright with rich overtones, without being piercing. Not great for a cathode follower position but fantastic for any preamp tone spot. Recommended if looking for a new production tube.

    reviewed by: Critter

  • Like all of the guys mentioned in this review section, the Tung-Sol 12AX7 is the one to use in V1 position. Big warm sound, bright and overtones not to piercing. Just perfect for my tone buds! Go for it!

    reviewed by: Benoit Tapin

  • I'm using Tung-Sol 12AX7' s In my Mac C-20 preamp.. They are the next best thing to the origional Telefunken.

    reviewed by: Al

  • I have these in V1-2, and PI positions. They’re quite, clear, and have a nice sparkly grind. Thumps up!

    reviewed by: Pete J

  • very pleased with the tubes and their service.

    reviewed by: kevin

  • Very musical, always goes in v1 of all my amps.

    reviewed by: John

  • Used this Tung-Sol 12AX7 for the gain stage in the pre-amplifier section of my McIntosh MA252 hybrid integrated amp. These tubes have much better balance and definition than the stock McIntosh tubes. Bass hits much harder and treble is smooth and non-sibilant. Much improvement over the mushy and too warm stock tubes that ships with the amp.

    reviewed by: Music Mac

  • Worth the purchase! Bought 3 for a 1979 Marshall JMP 2203 (replaced JJ's) and loved the sound I was getting! Seem to make the presence of the guitar strings a bit more clear and much more gain than the tubes before. I highly recommend them!

    reviewed by: Lucas

  • By far my favorite 12ax7. I'll take this tube over any other modern make.

    reviewed by: Jerry

  • Great tube, running with GT in V1, JJ in V2, TS is in the driver's seat. Lovely warm yumminess.

    reviewed by: Hank

  • Nice tube the sound is actually way better than the Ruby it replaced. Will get more of those in the future. ;)

    reviewed by: Joel

  • Tung Sol is my favorite brand of new manufactured tubes.

    reviewed by: David

  • Can't beat the Tung-Sol in just about any preamp position. I totally concur with this being the best of the best new manufactured tubes!

    reviewed by: SteveTR

  • I am using this tube in my dialogue 7's Very pleased with the sound and value. Excellent bang for the buck -

    reviewed by: sat7

  • Excellent tubes and the additional options TD offer make it even better!!

    reviewed by: Michael Couts

  • I installed a set of these in a Orange Dual Terror. The first thing I noticed was how dynamic they were. Soft picking or finger picking yielded a clean sound, as I dug in with a hard attack, the gain followed. They are nice and crisp, very articulate and loud. In comparison with the original jj tubes that came with the amp, the jj's yielded a fuzz type gain but almost no articulation. No matter how softly I would pick, it just wouldn't clean up. Could have been that the jj's were tired, dont know. I'd suggest these if you're looking to tame your terror, make it more articulate but retain the gain.

    reviewed by: AbeL

  • I've used every new production tube make in my many amps . The current TungSol 12ax7 is by far the best quality out there . The highs are clear and clean an the entire sound is transparent compared to a JJ . Yes , they're somewhat more expensive , but for V1/2 in a clean amp they are unbeatable , Tubedepot will provide every possible grading option too , which others don't . Matched sides for push-pull , low noise/micro for higher apps and vibration , plus high-gain for gas-heads . Well worth the cost .

    reviewed by: Neil P

  • This is my go to 12ax7. Smooth and balanced.

    reviewed by: John

  • Great in the first position of my Peavey Classic 30 along with the Sovtek 12ax7LPS in the 2nd. Fat clean tone, headroom and musical tone. The combination improved the sound of the amp.

    reviewed by: Jamie Rogers

  • I was looking fora v1 tube to tame the highs and add some warmth to my Vox AC10 and the Tung-Sol 12AX7 seems to have gotten me much closer to that.

    reviewed by: tony f

  • I replaced the 3 stock JJ ECC83s in my Frenzel head [modified Tweed Deluxe circuit] with Tung-Sol. Main difference I notice is less preamp hiss at high gain settings [I specified low noise option], but also get a sense of more clarity across the board. The JJs had been in use for several years of home studio use, so I will have to compare longevity of the new tubes.

    reviewed by: Jeff S

  • great tone, solid build

    reviewed by: JP

  • Got a pair of these for my Traynor YGL1. Nice and clear, no noise. Definitely an upgrade from the stock (Ruby branded) JJs.

    reviewed by: Andrew Meyer

  • Super fast shipping. Love the option to order balanced triodes for the PI tube. These are standard Marshall issue.

    reviewed by: Brad Hope

  • I love the reissue tung-sol's. They have low noise and superior tone in the V1 position of all my amps. Also put it in the phase inverter position and works great in that application as well. Highly recommended!

    reviewed by: Mike

  • Has a very clean and smooth sound with pleasant harmonics in V1 of a USA-built Peavey Classic 30. "Touch" is linear with predictable break-up with volume knob or harder playing. Back to buy another for my Zoom G5 pedal now.

    reviewed by: FluffyDog6

  • Put a high gain matched pair in V1 and V2 and put a hi gain balanced in V3. Made my 2204 JCM 800 sound harmonically richer.

    reviewed by: Ethan Anders

  • Great tubes. Clean and low noise but break up when you need them to.

    reviewed by: James

  • Ordered this tube in a kit for a Peavey Classic 30 and they sound great.

    reviewed by: Steve

  • Well, there is no way to quickly flip a switch to do an "A-B" comparison of old vs. new tubes, however, I recently bought a Sebago Sound DT-50 amp that had the original 10 year old tubes. Lots of crackles and microphonics ... the builder, Bill Dunham, recommended the Tung-Sol tubes. Put in two new power tubes (6L6) and six 12ax7 preamp tubes. I chose the options of high output with low microphonics. Voila! This is now the quietest all tube amp I have ever heard. Kudos to Tung-Sol AND to Sebago Sound amps!

    reviewed by: Alan

  • Great sounding tube for my 5E3 Deluxe! For both V1 and V2! Rich harmonics!

    reviewed by: Jay Kick

  • Just installed Tung-Sol 12AX7's (& Mullard EL84's) into a Friedman Runt from Tube Depot -- what an amazing difference in performance received! The amp is not old & previous tubes had life, but the recommended tubes made a world of difference! Thank you Tube Depot - I'm a customer for LIFE!

    reviewed by: Tom

  • Replaced the original Mesa ax preamp tubes and 6L6str power tubes in 11 yo Mesa 5/50 express combo amp. Only about 6 hours on the new Tung-Sol tubes and they sound much fuller with a deep, warm tonal richness. The clean channel is superb with very little noise and no microphonics. I'm sure that the more I play, these quality of sound will only be enhanced.

    reviewed by: D. Brooks

  • Great tubes. Clean and low noise

    reviewed by: jack

  • Great tubes, sound great in my Mesa Mark IV

    reviewed by: Steve

  • These sound great in a JCM 900 4100. They don’t have a weird midrange like Sovteks do so they work amazing in this amp!

    reviewed by: Ethan

  • Great tubes!

    reviewed by: Matt

  • Tung-Sol 12AX7 tubes are stable, balanced and shipping was reasonable. I use them for my Blues Jr III and I love em!

    reviewed by: Sho

  • This tube was placed on the V1 of an H&K tubemeister 18. In V2 was placed a jj ecc83s. The tubemeister got much better with much more functional tone control. Highly Recommended.

    reviewed by: Cristianoepm

  • Really nice sounding tube.

    reviewed by: Rick

  • I bought another Tung-Sol 12ax7 tube. I put it on the V1 of an EVH 5153 50w. I liked the tone. More articulate and with a little more mids.

    reviewed by: Cristianoepm

  • Best v1 tube out there

    reviewed by: John

  • These are excellent tubes. They brought my Marshall DSL40CR to life with tone that was not there before. Huge improvement. Similar results with my Peavey Bravo 112.

    reviewed by: danr

  • Great tubes! Used these on a tube reverb and got rid of most of the gain hiss. A++

    reviewed by: Ed

  • They are warm . They are musical but more importantly they are clear which is really important for clean electric bass. Right into V! and V2

    reviewed by: TomC

  • I don’t know why, but I keep coming back to this. I’ve bought ‘em all from this website. For my Fender amps, it’s Tung Sol AX7 and AT7 tubes, only exception being Sovtek 12AX7-LPS here and there when I’m fussing.

    reviewed by: Eric Johnson

  • Simply the best!!

    reviewed by: Jp

  • These really added some great tone to my JCM 2000 DSL100. I think I found my "go-to" preamp tube for this amp. Will definitely purchase again.

    reviewed by: Adam Montano

  • Quietest tubes I ever purchased. Well tested by Tube depot. I'll always return for my tube refreshes.

    reviewed by: bdhact1

  • Installed these in V1 and V2 of my SLO 30. They replaced JJs. These helped tame the amp. A little less gain than the JJs (the SLO doesn't need more) and a tighter bottom end. There is also more clarity. Highly recommend for any high gain amp needing to be wrestled into submission.

    reviewed by: Chris

  • I put this in V1 of my Peavy Classic 30 (mid 90s model) after having the drive channel revamped and a few caps replaced and my amp has new life. Glad I went with the Tung Sol 12AX7. My amp now has has a creamy tone and break up is sensitive to my volume knob on my guitar. Playing slide with my fingers added a whole nother aspect. Highly recommend. I'm contemplating putting one in my Supro Coronado V1 position.

    reviewed by: JLS

  • If it ain't NOS, then it must be Tung-Sol 12AX7

    reviewed by: Nathan Chien