JAN 5751 U.S. Made

Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

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U.S. Made JAN 5751

    If you want to reduce the gain of your amp so you can reach that creamy tone without blowing the windows out, then this is THE tube to get. Fully interchangeable with a 12AX7 tube, the US made JAN 5751 will allow you to drive the power stage harder with less volume. Compared to the Sovtek 5751, the JAN 5751 has a smoother response that is the ideal way to get the tone you are looking for.

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    • a great NOS value for 60s Fenders

      reviewed by: JP

    • I use 5751 in Phase inverter position and I find that I get a more articulate distortion tone. This vintage USA made 5751 gives a little sweeter tone compared to the newera versions.

      reviewed by: Jason

    • I recently installed a NOS JAN 5751 made by Philips into the V1 spot in my VHT Special6 Ultra head into 10" Jensen Alnico speaker cabs and the result is stunning. To use a food analogy when the volume is turned up the result is fantastic crunch that is thick and chewy.Using a Vintage (brand) Goldtop loaded with stacked P90s.Amazing!

      reviewed by: Norm