Suitable Replacement Filter Choke For Fender® Brand 6L6 Amplifiers


    Suitable Replacement Filter Choke for Fender® Brand 6L6 amps. Proudly made in the USA.

    This choke is similar to the Fender® Brand 125C1A & 022699 chokes used on Fender® Brand amps such as: Bassman®, Bandmaster, Bandmaster Reverb, Showman, Dual Showman®, Dual Showman Reverb®, Pro Reverb®, Twin, Twin Reverb®, Super Reverb®, Concert, Vibrosonic Reverb, Quadraverb, and some others.

    TubeDepot, LLC is not affiliated with Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. All registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    • Worked perfectly for my SE amp project I'm working on. Well built, plenty of lead to allow flexible mounting options in custom amps.

      reviewed by: Bart
    • 4H @ 90 mA