JJ ECC823 Preamp Vacuum Tube

Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

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JJ ECC832 Preamp Vacuum Tube

    The JJ ECC823 is wired in reverse of the ECC832 / 12DW7. In the ECC823 the first half of the tube (pins 1, 2 and 3) are the high gain 12AX7/ECC83 spec (gain factor 100) and the second half (pins 6, 7 and 8) are the low gain 12AU7/ECC82 spec (gain factor 20). This ECC823 can be used in amps like the Mesa DC series in V1 to keep the clean channel stock and drop the gain down in the drive channel.

    Please Note: Due to the fact that the 12DW7 has two triodes with completely different gain factors, this tube cannot be balanced.

    • This tube was a brilliant invention! best of both worlds for cathodyne PIs

      reviewed by: JP