JJ ECC832 / 12DW7 Preamp Vacuum Tube
Price is for a single tube with standard testing.

This is a suitable replacement for any 12DW7 / ECC832. One side has a gain factor of 100 - the other side has a gain factor of 20. You can think of it as 1/2 a 12AU7 and 1/2 a 12AX7. Try this tube for some interesting gain reduction effects on certain amps.
Please Note: Due to the fact that the 12DW7 has two triodes with completely different gain factors, this tube cannot be balanced.
It’s working good! And good price.
reviewed by: Marc-Antoine Ciociola
i love cascading low to high gain stages and i love how easy these tubes make it.
reviewed by: jon
This tube in V2 of my Hot Rod DeVille soothed out the drive/more drive settings. Highly recommended. Tube Depot service is 1st rate.
reviewed by: Steve B
my fav for my reverb circuit
reviewed by: JP