Western Electric 300B B-Stock


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Western Electric 300B B-Stock
  • Western Electric 300B B-Stock
  • Western Electric 300B B-Stock

Available only through TubeDepot, “B-Stock” Western Electric 300Bs are fully functional but do not meet quality standards. They are sold as is and do not carry any warranty from TubeDepot or the manufacturer, implied or express. Our standard Warranty and Returns policy does not apply. Physically, these tubes are beautiful and without visible defects. They arrive in a blue and white Western Electric box.

It is important to note that amplifier bias adjustment may be needed depending on the tube’s plate current value (IB). A record of this value is not included with the tube but is available upon request. If you have an automatically biasing amplifier, it is possible the tube(s) will perform just fine without further adjustment. If not, you can change the bias resistor and enjoy the deliciously rich triode sound of the WE 300B. It is your responsibility to ensure your equipment will handle the different current loads induced by each tube.

If you are handy and know your equipment, you will get years of enjoyment from these tubes, but if you're a novice, please consult your equipment manufacturer or a qualified technician prior to making a purchase of these B-Stock 300B tubes. 

For more information on biasing, please consult Western Electric's application note linked below:


We also offer matching options. If you order 2 tubes, close matches will be selected (Matched Pair). The same will apply to orders of 4 tubes (Matched Quad).

Price is for a Single Tube

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